Super Simple Pasta with Mixed Sauce

Pasta is one of my FAVOURITE things to eat (duh!) and I sorely missed it during the first few months of the pandemic- that is until I started cooking it. I have a general idea on how to make simple white sauce pasta (which I made a few times) but I started then experimenting around … Continue reading Super Simple Pasta with Mixed Sauce

Chilli Cheese Toast Sandwich

Well, I decided to kick my Homemade Chilli Cheese Toast up a notch. It's pretty simple to make, tastes awesome and is definitely one of the best things I make. Ingredients:- The quantities depend entirely on how many slices of bread you want to use, how much cheese you want on each slice and how well … Continue reading Chilli Cheese Toast Sandwich

Homemade Italian Seasoning

So, I don't know if all people know this but OREGANO≠ITALIAN SEASONING! It's pretty easy to make Italian Seasoning by yourself-if you have all the ingredients (dried herbs) I feel that oregano smelled and tasted raw by itself which is why I decided to make this. Ingredients:- Oregano- 1 tablespoonThyme- 1 tablespoonRosemary- 1 tablespoon (Something … Continue reading Homemade Italian Seasoning