
Took me 4 years but I FINALLY finished reading the books! 



In the first year of my undergrad, I started reading A Game of Thrones on my phone. My friends noticed how much I liked it and gifted me the second book (A Clash of Kings) for my 18th birthday.
By then I kinda knew that the series had this “everyone you like will die” vibe but damn I was not prepared. I was so not prepared.

At the end of the first book, Ned’s execution sent me into such a shock that I was no where close to even BELIEVING that he actually died, let alone come to terms with it and read on.

In denial I searched for “Ned Stark’s death” on YouTube and watched many videos (from the show) and slowly realized that he actually was dead. Because in the books, I somehow always believed that someone impersonated him/there was some trickery and Ned was actually safe (very un-Ned like but I just didn’t want him to die ffs)

So I had to see for myself.

I tried reading the second book and I realized I had to be more emotionally disconnected from the characters and I just couldn’t read about a world where they killed him off.

Someone told me that Ned comes back(?) in the show so I started reading again (May 2019) 

While I was reading the second book I realized that I actually remembered very little from the first book so that’s where I started again. This time, I had physical books to read (which I always prefer)

I was occupied with other things and couldn’t continue reading because I had to return the books.
All these months I was extremely careful and I can proudly say that no one ever spoiled anything for me.

YouTube started suggesting videos because I searched for Ned’s death.

The suggestions had 2 videos titled “Joffrey rapes Sansa” and “Sansa and Arya kill Littlefinger”
wtf was that

I don’t consider them spoilers because THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS! Anything which didn’t happen in the books is not true and I just treat it as expensive fan fiction.
I read The Cursed Child y’all know I think I am the Cursed Child because I actually read the damned thing. 

I started reading the books (AGAIN) in March when I realized that people wouldn’t really know I was reading about ASOIAF when I lugged around a fat book called “A Clash of Kings”. 

Soon I realized that my eyesight changed and I needed new glasses and couldn’t read on without hurting my eyes. Due to the lockdown, I couldn’t get new glasses till the first week of May and that was when I started A Storm of Swords. 

I just finished the books last night which was great because yesterday was also my last day as an undergrad student.

The books were insanely well written and I’m so excited. 

When you’re a passionate reader, I feel like you get the essence of who the character actually is and you can actually predict/know when they’re doing something which isn’t like them.

I heard that the show ends with Bran being the King (what?) which I personally feel is very out of character for a Stark. And especially Bran? 

Considering the history of the Houses and what we understand of “typical House behavior”, I feel that the Starks belong to Winterfell and just do their thing there and be loyal to whoever they believe is fit to sit the Iron Throne. 
Now I don’t mean to say that they’re not fit rulers or something? 
It’s not just my opinion, it’s clearly shown when Ned didn’t take the Throne when Jaime killed Aerys, right?
Also, I realize that considering people of my age, I’m very late to join the ASOIAF fandom. In a way I feel like I was stubbornly trying to hold on to Harry Potter for as long as I could and wasn’t ready/mature/grown up enough to properly read and understand something as complicated as ASOIAF.
I’m really glad that I read it now tho because the others (pun intended) have been waiting for 5+ years for Winds Of Winter and that’s just horrible.
I heard that the show went off the rails from Season 4 and can’t wait for my friend the Sun to come home so that we can start watching/bitching!
I’ll post our opinions of every single episode as soon as we watch!
Anyway, more rants to come soon! 
Let me go bask in the joy of the Song ❤
Here’s me blessing you with an incredible meme:
GoT Roasted The Office Style
Valar Morghulis

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